Thursday, April 28, 2011

Inspire Me Thursday

Happy Thursday Folks!

Old farm equipment made into jewelry rack!  I think so!

Kate Spade


Great DIY



Pretty little packages...





Love Desire
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Dinner Success!

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday- Live Report

It's my first ever family dinner at MY house.  The table is set, the food is cooking, my house is clean and I'm left to sit and reflect while I wait for the family to arrive, all 9 of them!  This is the first time I haven't been in Niagara for Easter in 27 years.  When I spoke to my mom earlier she also informed me that this is also the first time in 27 years that the Easter Bunny didn't make an appearance at my house.  I feel old.  Not in a bad way, it's just weird, like it's sinking in that I am definitely not a kid anymore.  I'll be having kids of my own soon and I will BE the Easter Bunny!  I even took my belly button ring out the other day.  It's the end of an era and the beginning of my adult life.

And on that note, please folks, come on in and take a look around at my festive decor...I think I'll embrace the roll of Easter Bunny pretty good if I do say so myself!

I did some Easter crafts of course, first we've got some fancy eggs...

....and bunting of course!

Jill gave me this idea...pretty eh!?

...and of course my table setting...I've been collecting floral dishes for a while now and I can finally use them!  I set this table two days ago. 

 What a perfect day it was yesterday to buy some flowers...

 There are little treats inside the eggs for everyone...
I even made an apron last weekend for this occasion...even though James is doing most of the cooking.  What a man I've got I tell ya.
  Here's what we're having along with some roasted veggies...  

And here I am posing in the kitchen in my apron pretending to have cooked the feast we're about to have....buuuuttt I should give credit where credit is due, and James really deserves it.  He insisted on cooking his famous roast and I'm telling your right now that if I had taken on the task, I wouldn't look so calm and collected.  He's my rock.  : )

Happy Easter!  Thank you so much for reading...

Love Desiree
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Inspire Me Thursday

It's Thursday AND it's a holiday tomorrow!  Inspirations all around!  

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