Thursday, July 28, 2011

Inspire Me Thursday

Happy Thursday!  

source - me

source - me



LOVE this.



when your kid outgrows their crib...just flip over the table!



Have a fantastic long weekend and I'll be talking to you all soon....

Love Desiree

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Treasure Hunting: A New Shelf

I went to visit my grams' house while I was home and did a little treasure hunting in the basement. I found a broken shelf ready to go in the garbage and thought I'd try a little revamp.

Here it is before:

after a few coats of ivory paint...

and now my pretty bathroom shelf!

When James saw it he told me I was officially turning into my mother but I take that as a compliment, she has great taste in shelving as well...

The total cost was 8 bucks for a sample can of paint...

Hope you like it!

Love Desiree

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I'm back...and I brought treasures...

Hi folks...

I managed to tear myself away from my rural escape and back to the sweaty armpit I call home.  yay.  I can barely contain my joy.  ; )

I wasn't exactly impressed with my 30 degree home upon my return...I traded in the swimming pool and air conditioning for a spray bottle with a  personal fan attachment which just doesn't quite provide the same relief...

...thank god last nights rain really cooled things down in here all the way down to a chilly 27.5 and I was able to clean the place up today and unpack all the goods I collected over my stay on the farm...

I think I've mentioned that my mom also loves to thrift and her encouragement is a recipe for some serious hoarding on my part plus there was an estate sale so I was doomed from the start.  I realised I may have gone overboard when we couldn't fit everything in the trunk on the way back to Toronto, but whatever... my finds are awesome and I have a use for every single one of them...

Here's MOST of what I got... 

So I must admit I was feeling a bit down about being back and I was missing my family and some cooler temps so a yummy feast that I didn't have to cook was exactly what I needed...and my friend Jill really delivered...

It was a perfect soiree to welcome me back to civilization...

and today it was just me and the Mr. having dinner in our hot little abode...

Back to the grind never last forever but I feel pretty refreshed!

Love Desiree

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Inspire Me Thursday: Country Living Edition

I am currently sitting at my parents kitchen table contemplating another swim because that's really all you can do in this heat.  It's day 7 of my country vacation and I am LOVING it. Talk about a good week to go away... 47 degrees isn't so bad when you have nothing to do but lay by the pool which has basically been my life this week. I've been out and about enjoying the scenery as well and the company as much as possible; this is what's inspiring me....

Happy Thursday!

Love Desiree
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