Thursday, March 29, 2012

Inspire Me Thursday

It's Thursday!  Oh happy day...
hmmm...lavender cupcakes...

This dress is why I signed up for a sewing class...basically.

I love all the different lace table cloths! 


This is going to be the summer of homemade popsicles!  


Pretty awesome paper dolls...

I can't believe I had bare legs last Thursday at this time and today I'm wearing a winter coat.  WTF! : )

At least the flowers have survived the winter far...

Lets hope for warmer temperatures this weekend!  Have a lovely day....and thank-you so much for reading! 

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Inspire Me Thursday

Happy Thursday!





OMG... Pinwheels?  Where the hell have I been!  It's my new bunting.






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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thrifting Jackpot!

I was feeling the effects of a wine filled Friday night this past Saturday morning when I decided a little retail therapy was in order.  I walked to Dufferin Mall in search of something pretty. I searched through the racks of neon while the booming base line of offensive top 40 hip hop rattled by brain before I escaped out the back parking lot to gather myself.  I decided a good thrift shop would be much more rewarding than this place so I headed up the street to Value Village.  There was nothing but junk (i actually saw a day planner from 2009 they were trying to sell for 3.99...are you kidding me?)... I was feeling very defeated and hung over, ready to go home empty handed...but then I saw it...this beautiful print being wheeled around on a cart of new donations being loaded onto the shelves.  It was busy, and there were a lot of people just like me looking for treasures so I knew it was going to be scooped up if I didn't act I quickly walked towards the women, I took it right off her cart, bought it, and got out of there!  My hang-over  instantly lifted and the feeling of satisfaction took over.  I rode my bike home feeling on top of the world. ; )

Check. it. out.

It's called 'The Bride'

She makes me happy...

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring has sprung...and I'm shaking with excitement!

Something awakens in me when the temperature goes above 15 degrees, it's like the air is filled with regenerating powers that lift my spirits, increase my creativity and evoke productivity that has been severely lacking all winter long.  I have energy again! The house will be clean once closet arranged, my drawers organized... Rejoice!

Back home on the farm a little baby lamb was born on the first day of spring...

Happy days are here again...savour them...

Love Desiree
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