If I could have worn stretchy pants to work this morning I think I'd be feeling a lot less guilt as I sit here resisting the urge to undo the top button of my jeans...
I don't know what came over me, but I'm telling you, I was a bottomless pit!! So much goodness...(shaking my head) we had perogies, ham, turkey casseroles, cakes, cookies baked inside other cookies, beer, wine, marshmallows, marshmallows roasted AND dipped in Baileys!??? It was ridiculous and I deserve the 5 pound gut I'm sporting today... : )
It was such a lovely weekend though...such beautiful weather, lots of family, lots of fun... here's a few snap shots... I hope you enjoy....
Queenston Heights
Brock's Monument
Niagara on the Lake
We found some wooden eggs from my Nanny's toll painting days so I obviously insisted on a craft...
A walk out and about around the farm
Harley taking in the vitamin D
Another hike in Shorthills
And then we got lost..
but we found our way thankfully, no thanks to me... I just silently followed along thinking of different disaster scenarios... : )
When we got back Harley and I decided on a theme for the festivities...Denim and wolves.
Dad in triple denim taking it to a whole other level...
All denim, all the time... : )
And the wolf pack!
soaking up some rays...
And the flock...
We were trying to pick up a lamb but only Ramses would have anything to do with us...
More walks around the farm... There's a hill in the back that our great, great grandparents used to dump stuff so every now and again we try our luck with a treasure hunt. All I found was antique garbage. I need a metal detector next time.
Hilary made my mom this awesome birthday card...
hmmm...nothing like a campfire by moonlight

and then it was time for an Easter Sunday lunch in the garden... Apparently the theme for this one was plaid.
I hope you all enjoyed your Easter Weekend!
Thanks for reading...
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