Thursday, May 31, 2012

Inspire Me Thursday

It's Thursday!




What a sensitive guy...

Might give this a try this winter...I just wonder how the soil would drain?

My roses...they've really taken off this year...
This one has huge blooms...

James laughed at this one and said "That's my fear too"... pffff, he better watch it. : )

Thanks for reading!

Love Desiree
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Baby Bloomers!

These were my shower gifts yesterday... I am in love with baby bloomers!

My owl came out a little wonky so I included a note that said:
" I am from 'The Island of Misfit Toys" and I've been waiting for a special little girl like you to love me"

I can't wait to meet her either! :  )

Thanks for reading!
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Sarah's Mad Hatter Tea Party Baby Shower!

My god, what a shower!  My dear friend Sarah is just about ready to pop and a few of her best friends put on a serious 'do' this weekend to celebrate...


 Sarah with the party experts...

Wow right?  My pictures don't do this party justice...I didn't capture the half of it, we even got little pedicure sets on the way out!  This was more put together than my wedding... 

Note to self: Make friends with event planners... : ) 

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