Friday, October 18, 2013

Back Home On The Farm: Our Last Visit Without A Child!

Hello old friends,
It's been a while since we've talked.  I hope you're all enjoying this beautiful fall season we've been having. All I want to do in this kind of weather is curl up with a good book, a knitting project, a good cup of tea or maybe a pumpkin spiced latte if I'm feeling especially cliche... and listen to some Joni Mitchell, preferably on vinyl.  It's the best season, and this year it's especially good because I get to get all cozy with my big baby bump while it jumps around from side to side reminding me of the little lady that is gearing up to make her arrival into the world. Pregnancy has had its fair share of unpleasantness, but these days,spending the evenings sitting with James watching my belly move is pretty amazing.  We're so excited to be parents…: ) Getting her little cloths all ready, washing all the receiving blankets, it's finally almost time!

Our lives lately have been all about family and I've really felt grateful for all of them…especially my Mom and Dad. They're still taking care of me and I don't want them to ever stop!  I can't wait to make them grandparents… Can you sense that my pregnancy hormones have turned me into more of  a sap then I was before!? God, you should see what happens when I watch Parenthood.  I don't even watch it when James is around, it's embarrassing.

Here's a little glimpse into what life is looking like for us right now complete with a couple weekends away on the farm for the last time without a baby of our own...
I can't believe my mom birthed all of these!
James takes me out for decaff lattes every Saturday morning at our local coffee shop The Brockton Haunt.  It's a nice little ritual...

 Favours from the baby shower... Aren't they cute!


Go out and enjoy the weather this weekend...before you know it, this beautiful season will be gone until next year...and I'll have a baby!

Holy shit!

Love Desiree
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Inspire Me Thursday

Okay, okay, I'm here, I'm here!  It's been a while I know...but I've been busy gestating. The side of the couch I sit on is starting to show serious signs of wear. : )

I had all these wonderful intentions of spending my pregnancy sewing and knitting cute little baby things and doing prenatal yoga. Two newborn hats and one yoga class later I'm 25 weeks and what I've done the most of  to be totally honest with you is watch terrible television. Whatcha gonna do...the baby wants what it wants. : ) Right now it wants a goddam swimming pool!  This heat is torture! Thankfully I'm heading to the farm tomorrow for some fresh country air....

Feeling a little more inspired these days too... I've got a nice bump going on that makes my ass look small in comparison so that's pretty great!  Pregnancy fashion isn't bad either... I can actually a wear a lot of stuff that I couldn't before... When you're proud to show off your gut the options really open up. : )  I'm also not feeling sick much anymore AND I can feel our little one swimming around constantly... It's pretty cool. : ) 

So in honour of this happy day I've put together an Inspire Me Thursday post...

 The barn at my parents with the old fruit stand sign...

 I'm working on something like this right now...
James' first sweater... : )
 This was me a few weeks ago...
This was my baby carriage... Not exactly up to code, but great for a photo shoot!

My Dad (The Farmer) has recently started spinning wool! I'm knitting up a baby blanket for the stroller.  That'll keep her insulated for sure...and how cool that her Pops made the wool and her Mom knitted the blanket!
And my oldest friends seem to all being having babies too! The three ladies in this picture represent the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester... : )
And this is everything I won't be doing this weekend.... : )

Happy long weekend!!

Love Desiree

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Inspire Me Thursday

Happy Thursday you lovely people...What's inspiring me this week you ask?  Well there's FOOD, that's a big one...maternity fashion, and predictable I know.  

Have you ever had a rice ball?? There are lots of varieties I think but there's this little place up the street from work that make the BEST rice balls of life and at this moment it's ALL I want.
  I couldn't decide between sweet and salty for breakfast last weekend so I chose all of the above. : ) James is my hero.
p.s it's decaf.

This kid is the best!
My inspiration...
 Great read!


I'm wearing a cartwheel hat today.

(Robert Downey Jr sings with Sting... I love him... I'm still sad about his exit from Ally McBeal and I'm not embarrassed to admit it)

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Inspire Me Thursday

Inspire Me Thursday is about to take a turn into baby land people…I just can't help it! It's kind of on my mind lately…i'm sure you understand… : )
Sooo making a pair of these!

 An excerpt from my favourite Little Golden Book..."Baby Dear"
 Dutch Baby Pancakes? Whaaat are these!? When you don't drink food becomes very exciting... I used to look forward to wine on the it's yummy treats James whips up for me! (these could be nice for Saturday morning...wink wink...) p.s I'm obviously not following my gluten free, sugar free, dairy free diet anymore...

LOVE THESE for the babies room!




Audrey Hepburn maternity style... : )

Hope you're having a nice day!
Love Desiree

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