Thursday, January 30, 2014

Inspire Me Thursday

I don't want to gloat but I really must.  Eloise slept from 10pm to 6am and then again until 8, I fit in a work out, my pants are feeling pretty loose AND it's Thursday! I feel grrrreeeat! Ever since James showed me the below ad I find myself repeating the message in my head often. It's kind of making me appreciate the little things a bit how I feel after a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate. 

I hope you've all been having a good week despite the continuing frigid temps.  I can't say I really know how cold it is because I haven't been outside since last weekend when I took a brief outing to the mall and it wasn't even that cold a day. I don't mind being cooped up with my little one escaping this winter entirely but after a quick trip to The Dufferin Mall  it became quite apparent that my ability to handle a crowded mall has really taken a hit after a couple months of isolation. Big people are ugly and so big! Sometimes when looking in the mirror I feel like my head is particularly large but I think it must only be in comparison to Eloise's. : )  Reintegration into society will have to come slow... In the mean time, I'll be here cooing at my cute little baby. She's smiling now by the way!

She's the centre of most of my inspirations this week, but I still have fashion on my mind for when I reemerge into the world... : )
I'm leaning towards the red ones...

 We gave our bedroom wall a little makeover before Eloise arrived...I knew we'd be spending a lot of time there.. She loves staring at it.

I really want to make some dolls...these are inspiring me... 
And how cool would this be!

My lil lumberjack... : ) The Farmer made the socks...
I can't believe how the time is little one is not so little these days...not like this..
Have a great weekend!
Love Desiree

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Inspire Me Thursday

Hello! Happy Thursday! I hope you've all been well. Eloise and I have been having a lovely week...more and more smiles every day. Life is good.

I'm biting the bullet and shelling out for a pair of hunters...just have to decide which colour!
So pretty.
Star pillows!
 I feel like my mom brain could make this project almost impossible but I think I might try it out...
 I think a collaboration with my brother and my dad is in order for this. These little stools are ridiculously cool.

I had a TON of these in the 90's when toddler chic was in fashion but now where do you find them? Eloise would look so cute in some vintage looking barrettes...
These ones are nicer...
White tights...hmmm
Great look.
I love this..gotta start sewing bloomers!

My baby is the cutest.
Naps are great.

Thanks for reading!
Love Desiree
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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Inspire Me Thursday

Happy Thursday you wonderful people! Thanks for all the kind words on my post yesterday...I've soaked all that love right up and passed it along to Eloise... :)

I was serious when I said the blog was back...I need some grown up chit chat like no ones business! I need to stay sharp and inspired! I'm reading daily, getting dressed, putting on 'my face', and I've promised James that I won't start calling him Daddy. :)

And now for a few inspirations...

After months of not being able to wear pants I can't tell you how nice it is to put on a pair of jeans...despite them cutting off my circulation. I'm desperate to go shopping.

Edwardian Street Style

My living room.
Upcycled Old Sweater Project!

Check out this kite!

I've been waiting a while to bust this one out...

Have a lovely weekend! It's supposed to warm up finally!

Thanks for reading!
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Introducing Eloise!

Goooood morning internet! My, my, it's been a long time... To the handful of you still reading this...thanks for holding out for the past 9 months. :) I was busy making a human!

This is Miss Eloise Mae...our darling daughter born Friday December 13th 2013.

I'm so happy and relieved to finally have her in my arms and out of my body! : ) I've been trying to write this post for a while now but for one, I spend most of my day elbow deep in poop, breast milk and baby vomit, and two, it's difficult to put this whole experience into words, but I'd like to try...if not just for me, for other moms or moms to be.

2013 is a blur.  I spent 9 months of it feeling like TOTAL crap, 30 hours feeling like I will never do this again, and then the final couple weeks feeling like I'd been given the most precious gift that I must protect at all costs.  A responsibility I was elated to have but also one that weighed/weighs heavy on my newly jumbo sized and very vulnerable heart. The first couple nights were hard. We didn't have a clue what we were doing. I felt like I had been through a battle of epic proportions and desperately needed to sleep and recuperate but also had this new person to take care of. Thankfully we all survived and found our groove and Eloise is already sleeping 6 hours straight at night, having a feed and then sleeping another 3 or 4! I know, it doesn't seem fair that we're so well rested but I think it's the least the pregnancy gods could do after giving me a full term of morning sickness!

Maternity leave is pretty great obviously...especially knowing that it's -30 below and I don't have to go outside...EVER. Eloise and I spend our days cuddling on the couch, doing photo shoots in her cute little outfits, listening to music, and of course eating, eating, eating,pooing, pooing, pooing, and puking, puking,puking. Surprisingly that pretty much fills the day. She takes a few short naps when I do stuff like blog, read a book, call my mom and eat a meal. When James comes home he takes the little munchkin off my hands and I take a bath and relax for a bit.  I take her back and he cooks dinner while I feed her hers...We sit her in her little Winnie The Poo chair and she watches us eat...We all cuddle up on the couch for an episode or two of Homeland and then it's off to bed. Happiness doesn't even begin to cover it.  This is the life I always wanted. : )

Okay, that's it for the gushing. I'm sure things will continue to change as she grows but I'm trying to savor every moment because time already seems to be flying by. I've barely unpacked my hospital bag and she's going to be a month old in a few days.

Anyway, I better get going...I can smell poop...but the blog is back so check back often!

Lots of love,

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