Thursday, July 31, 2014

Inspire Me Thursday

Oh my....teething time, no sleep!  Happy Thursday!!!!
I don't care how hipster it is...i can't wait to make my kid a teepee!

Super cool collage art...check out Clare Celeste


the middle one is the cutest!

Thanks for stopping in more soon!
Love Desiree

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Inspire Me Thursday

Hello! Hows everyone doing on this chilly July day? I made a hair appointment for the first time in like 3 years for today and it looks like it's going to effing rain! I was so looking forward dusting off Lady Bird too! I hope these clouds start moving soon! I'm in the midst of a serious stye shift. It's a combination of motherhood, age, and being on mat leave that is shaping it. I'm all about low maintenance, loose fitting and seriously easy going clothing. : )


  This looks like a sewing project I could tackle!
 Watch Cosmos. It's your responsibility as a human.

I made a gif out these old eh?
This is how James and I greet each other each day... ; )
Happy almost Friday!

Love Desiree

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Eloise by the Sea...

Just got back from our first vacation with Eloise... A beach getaway to Southampton, Ontario. You may remember last years trip here.  It was a little different this time around. This year not being pregnant was pretty awesome to say the least but I quickly learned that vacations with babies aren't exactly relaxing. Eloise decided that sleeping on vacation wasn't really something she wanted to do so we didn't do much of it. Not exactly what I had in mind but it was pretty exciting showing her the beach and letting her explore. She was particularly impressed by waves, flags, and grass. The week was exhausting but I'm sure looking back we will remember it fondly. Not living in the same city as our parents make weeks together more special. Here are some pics of our time away.

It started with some much needed unwinding after a long drive. We used a car service which made the journey pretty stress free but travelling anywhere with a baby has its challenges. Have you ever nursed a baby in a car seat while still wearing your seat belt? I have.
 Aww yes, the empty beach...the best part.
 The Uppababy...king of all strollers.

 She's snorkeling with excitement.

  Baby tourist.

 So many patterns!
 I'm obsessed with this hat...all the way from Australia! (thanks Jenny and Ryan)
 She wasn't impressed.
And after a night of no sleep...neither was I.
 But how can you resist that face!

 Old cars, oldies beats, and I'm eating an ice cream cone...pretty solid day.
 Her first sunset but I don't think she cared.
 Lanterns and fireworks make any trip special.

 Post card.


 My new profession? Family stylist.

Hope you're all having a nice day...It's been a while since we've talked. I'm the worst blogger ever. : )

Love Desiree

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