I hope you've all been having a good week despite the continuing frigid temps. I can't say I really know how cold it is because I haven't been outside since last weekend when I took a brief outing to the mall and it wasn't even that cold a day. I don't mind being cooped up with my little one escaping this winter entirely but after a quick trip to The Dufferin Mall it became quite apparent that my ability to handle a crowded mall has really taken a hit after a couple months of isolation. Big people are ugly and so big! Sometimes when looking in the mirror I feel like my head is particularly large but I think it must only be in comparison to Eloise's. : ) Reintegration into society will have to come slow... In the mean time, I'll be here cooing at my cute little baby. She's smiling now by the way!
She's the centre of most of my inspirations this week, but I still have fashion on my mind for when I reemerge into the world... : )
We gave our bedroom wall a little makeover before Eloise arrived...I knew we'd be spending a lot of time there.. She loves staring at it.
I really want to make some dolls...these are inspiring me...
And how cool would this be!
My lil lumberjack... : ) The Farmer made the socks...
I can't believe how the time is passing...my little one is not so little these days...not like this..
Have a great weekend!
Love Desiree